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Revolutionize subsea well foundations

Page last modified
November 19 2024

The CAN-ductor is an evolution of Neodrill's Conductor Anchor Node (CAN) technology for constructing structural wellhead foundations. It combines a suction anchor with one joint of integrated conductor pipe. The high load capacity of the CAN allows the conductor length to be shortened to just one joint. The conductor pipe is integrated in a controlled workshop environment to ensure quality and integrity. During offshore installation, the suction anchor pushes the conductor into the seabed, providing top-hole support for the well. Light vessels can install the CAN-ductor to pre-set the well foundation before the rig arrives on location. This eliminates unstable conductor issues associated with traditional wellhead systems. The CAN-ductor anchor node provides reliable and verified high load capacity. It enables pre-installation of the well top-hole section, saving 2-4 days of costly rig time. Overall, the CAN-ductor simplifies subsea well construction logistics, enhances integrity assurance, and reduces project costs, emissions and risks. Equinor has licensed the technology as CAP-X for the Norwegian Continental Shelf, with the first installation on the Bauge field.

Pros & Limitations
Zero rig time: pre-installed by a vessel
Managed fatigue capacity
Load capacity is calculated and verified
Pre-installed conductor in the workshop, ensures quality and integrity
No cementing or grouting
Easy P&A
Reduces risk due to reduced open-water rig operations making risk management ALARP
Saves 2 - 4 rig days
Specification Title Specification Description
Key Benefits
Managed fatigue capacity, Load capacity calculated and verified, High quality integrated conductor, No cementing or grouting needed, Improved HSE
Exploration and production wells
Operational advantages
Zero rig time for installation, Pre-installed conductor ensures quality and integrity
Commercial advantages
Reduced project execution time, Cost savings from pre-mounted equipment
Deepest installation
1600 m


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Development Technology demonstration Mature / Proven
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Neodrill is a Norwegian company that has developed and utilizes patented Conductor Anchor Node (CAN) technology for installing subsea well foundations. Neodrill's CAN technology enables conductor-less well foundations to be installed using light vessels, saving rig time and costs compared to traditional conductor installations. The company has over 18 years of experience with CAN installations around the world and is considered an industry leader and trusted partner in innovative subsea wellhead solutions that reduce emissions, costs, and risks.

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