LUMA: Underwater wireless optical modems

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Send data wirelessly underwater at the speed of light

Page last modified
April 11 2024

LUMA™ is a line of optical modems that are compact, power efficient, and operate from the splash zones down to 6’000 meter depth with a communication speed of up to 10 Mbit/s and the range of up to 50 meters. LUMA is designed with flexibility in mind. In its base configuration, it is a transparent link between your legacy systems, making it very easy to integrate. Plug&Play is not just marketing language when it comes to LUMA.

LUMA modems are lightning fast. They can send data at up to 10 Mbit/s bandwidth enabling truly HD-quality video transfer wirelessly through water in real time. LUMA penetrates air to water barrier with no effort, making it a great alternative to cables in extremely unforgiving splash zone conditions. Our most advanced LUMA modem will consume 1500 times less energy than a fastest acoustic modem on the market per bit of data.

Pros & Limitations
High bandwidth communication
portable design
depth-rated to 6000 m
plug & play
limited to 30-50m communication distance
Specification Title Specification Description
Data rate
up to 10 Mbps
Up to 50 m
Depth rating
6000 m
Beam pattern
120 degrees (60 degrees for LUMA X UV)
Power consumption
2-17 W
Supply voltage
12-36 V
Subconn MCIL6M (LUMA 100, 250, 500) or DBH8MTI (LUMA X range)


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Development Technology demonstration Mature / Proven
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We are a Swiss-based company with core expertise in underwater robotics, through-water wireless communication networks and underwater navigation. We have started this journey back in Australia over 15 years ago where we put together our first portable underwater drone, Serafina. Years later we found home in Lausanne, Switzerland, the cradle of fine manufacturing.

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