Ocean Power - Underwater Li-ion solutions

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Batteries for subsea UPS, ROV and AUV

Page last modified
April 11 2024

Our fully approved high-efficiency Li-Ion batteries guarantee high-reliability and high-safety for your AUVs, ROVs or offshore subsea Oil & Gas applications. We offer certifications according to API17F, MIL-STD, UN T38.3, DNV-GL, and others.

Pros & Limitations
Fully approved and certified
High Efficiency: high-capacity Li-Ion rechargeable batteries with highest energy density and high power
High-reliability: edundant design, proven technology, longest design life, harsh environmental, long track record
High-safety: industrial grade cells, mechanical & electrical protections, UN T38.3 upon request, 4-level safety, IPC class 3 production, ISO 9001 certified
Optimized for ocean / underwater applications
Customised battery systems may have an extended production time
Specification Title Specification Description
Areas of Application
Standard | Vehicle AUV, ROV etc. | Subsea Oil+Gas | Customized Battery Systems.
Li-Ion rechargeable batteries with highest energy density, high safety, UL & UN certified cells, long track record
Modular Design
Configurable Li-Ion power systems – scalable SmartPowerBlocks™.
Certifications / licenses
MIL-STD, ISO 13528-6 & API17F Offshore Oil&Gas, NATO AECTP & AQAP, DNV-GL, UN T38.3.
Highly sophisticated Battery Management System SmartBMS™ - full monitoring and control over all battery parameters, configurable functions, fail-safe.
Pressure housings up to 6000 m available (titanium, super duplex, other).


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Technology Readiness Level

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Development Technology demonstration Mature / Proven
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SubCtech offers underwater power solutions and ocean monitoring systems in close collaboration with their clients - in science and in the industry such as offshore Oil & Gas. Li-Ion batteries PowerPacks™, pCO2 analyzers OceanPack™, and system solutions are core products. The reliable and precise high-tech “Made in Germany” products are easy to handle and efficient. SubCtech is certificated as a “proved vendor” in the offshore industry according to ISO 13628-6 and API17f for the design and operation of subsea production systems and is also certified by ISO 9001:2015.

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