Quick Connect Subsea magnets

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Deep water magnetic attachments for subsea attaching and lifting operations

Page last modified
April 11 2024

Specially designed permanent magnet arrays require no energy when attached.

Benefits of our technology

  • Magnets can be easily attached together to create any shape/size/curvature depending on the task
  • Holding capability over a large air gap
  • Fenders enable gentle handling of painted surfaces
  • Feedback of holding force on the attach surface available
  • Untethered operations possible using power from onboard energy cells for ‘switch-on/off’

Available magnets

  • Holding force of each magnet: 0.5T, 1T and 2T (multiple magnets can be combined in any configuration)
  • Single power pack for all magnets or individual power pack for each magnet
Pros & Limitations
Magnets can be easily attached together to create any shape/size/curvature depending on the task
High holding capability over a large air gap
Fenders enable gentle handling of painted surfaces
Feedback of holding force on the attach surface available
Untethered operations possible using power from onboard energy cells for ‘switch-on/off’
Suitable for divers to quickly attach to a work surface
Can be used for station keeping of ROVs during inspection & maintenance, saving energy while attached
Specification Title Specification Description
Areas of Application
Use the underwater magnets to attach to any steel structure offshore, Offshore subsea mooring
Untethered operations possible using power from onboard energy cells for ‘switch-on/off’
Magnets can be easily attached together to create any shape/size/curvature depending on the task
Specially designed permanent magnet arrays
Holding force of each magnet: 0.5T, 1T and 2T (multiple magnets can be combined in any configuration), Single power pack for all magnets or individual power pack for each magnet


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Development Technology demonstration Mature / Proven
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Tow-Botic Systems is focused on improving the manoeuvring safety for the Ship Captains and Pilots, and will build the next generation harbour towage eliminating the towrope. Founder Gary Vaz was a Ship Captain who conceptualized the idea after his ship allided with the wharf due to the slow response of the tugboats using towropes. We are looking for interested partners and investors who also believe that we need to have direct and better control of ships in port.

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