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Deployed by 15 companies

Provides touchless subsea asset positioning

Page last modified
August 6 2024

Fugro's QuickVision® is a patented smart vision camera that provides accurate subsea asset positioning during offshore construction projects to reduce overall time, costs and safety risks. 

It uses fiducial marker patterns attached to subsea assets that are detected and tracked by algorithms in the QuickVision® camera. This enables absolute positioning of assets by tracking patterns, relative positioning between assets, and navigation of ROVs relative to structures - all without installing physical sensors. 

QuickVision® also provides augmented reality tools, such as virtual inclinometers, heading compasses, and 3D structure models that can be overlaid on the live video feed to support touchless survey operations. Accuracy is within 1 metre and 1-2 degrees for position and orientation. The system is automated with advanced alignment to the ROV so no calibration is required. QuickVision® reduces the need for sensor installation, lifting gear, vessel time, and diving operations which improves project schedules, safety and sustainability.

Pros & Limitations
Accelerate project schedules by removing need for bespoke sensor brackets and sensor removal
Improve safety by removing need for lifting/diving operations and keeping ROV at safe distance
Reduces pile positioning time by 75% on live projects
Accurate and touchless solution using computer vision
Seamless camera-ROV alignment removing need for calibrations
Simple and easy to use system enabling remote operations
Sustainable operations by reducing vessel time and carbon footprint
Operational depth limit of 4000 m
Specification Title Specification Description
Absolute and relative positioning of assets using coded patterns
Augmented Reality
Virtual tools projected in live video for measurements
Tracking Accuracy
1-10 cm positioning accuracy
AR Accuracy
0.25-2 degrees orientation, 0.5-1 m position
Key Features
No sensors on structure
Safe distance operation
Improve safety by removing need for lifting/diving operations and keeping ROV at safe distance
Accelerate project schedules by removing need for bespoke sensor brackets and sensor removal
Accurate and touchless solution using computer vision
Sustainable operations by reducing vessel time and carbon footprint
Simple and easy to use system enabling remote operations
Seamless camera-ROV alignment removing need for calibrations
Has reduced pile positioning time by 75% on live projects


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Development Technology demonstration Mature / Proven
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Fugro, the world’s leading Geo-data specialist; We unlock insights from Geo-data, to help you design, build, operate and, ultimately decommission, your offshore assets safely and sustainably. Every day, and all over the world, our team of dedicated experts are working with clients to unlock insights from earth and infrastructure data. We acquire, analyse and advise on this data using cutting edge digital solutions providing an invaluable resource for our clients.

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