Splash Zone Access Solutions

0 Reviews
Deployed by 7 companies

Remotely operated access solutions for inspection and modification services

Page last modified
April 11 2024

OceanTech has developed unique solutions for accessing the challenging Splash Zone at marine installations like oil & gas platforms, offshore wind farms etc.

OceanTech involves remotely operated access solutions with or without robotic arms. All solutions are launched from the topside. This allows for reduced costs and removes the need for support vessels, ROVs and divers. OceanTechs technology operates from a fixed position relative to the working area, which makes the technology well suited for close inspections, NDT and any type of repair or modification work.

We have executed more than 60 projects for the large Oil & Gas companies over the last 15 years. OceanTech has sucsessfully solved challenges by beeing able to do advanced work in the harsh splash zone.

By our robotized technology, there is no need for divers, ROV's or support wessels - a huge cost saving!

Also liable in respect to the planed shedule - less waiting for weather compared to traditional solutions. We can work up to 3m Hs.

Pros & Limitations
Able to do detailed work in the Splash Zone by stable positioning of robotic arm
Remotely operated tools
Reduced HSE impact; no need for ROVs or divers
No need for support- or lifting-vessels
Small crew can handle the operation
Cost reduction
Hardly no notice of the effect of waves and underwater currents on the access arm movement
Due to variety in design and tasks, modifications to the tooling is often required
Specification Title Specification Description
Areas of Application
Splashzone and underwater structures.
ATEX certified
Zone 1 for topside equipment.
Remotely operated tools.
Cleaning, inspection, repair and modification for Splash Zone and underwater structures.
Norsok standards.
Unique technology.
Due to variety in design and tasks, modifications to the tooling is often required.
Safe operating
No need for ROVs or divers.


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Technology Readiness Level

The Technology Readiness Level (TRL) indicates the maturity level of novel technologies. Learn more about the TRL scale used by us.


Development Technology demonstration Mature / Proven
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OceanTech is a Norwegian company specialised in Splash Zone operations. The company has more than 12 years experience in development of remotely operated tools and execution projects.

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