Tomorrow’s Digital Mini-Work ROVs Today
Digital underwater survey technology
AOS cover all three high risk environments – working at height, confined spaces and underwater (down to 300m) using the latest in remote access technology (Aerial drones, crawlers and Underwater Drones). Our drones deliver high quality digital surveys for our growing customer base. As shown by our track record, we are specialists in Terminal surveys and believe our USP is - no human goes into danger. Our focus on technology has allowed us to integrate Stills, Video, NDT (PEC & UT), Sonar, GPS & Cathodic Protection onto micro-work ROVs weighing less than 20 kg. We are globally deployable with our teams demonstrating their skills all over world, typically on site in less than 36 hours from mobilisation. The results are impressive, particularly in our ability to deliver seabed surveys, infrastructure surveys and 3-D mapping.
Specification Title | Specification Description |
Areas of Application
Storage Terminals | Tankers | Cooling Towers | Stacks and even entire offshore platforms
Laser scaler | Built in Aux. Connector for CP probe | Skid attachment and bracket for Lyft PEC probe
200 m depth rating.
8 T200 BR T200 vectored thrusters | 6 Depth of Field (DOF) manoeuvrability
Aluminum electronics housing.
HD camera c/w tilt (wide angle) | HD close up zoom IP camera for tool operation | HD Rear facing IP camera | Surface control unit with HD monitor, with joysticks | Ping BR 360 scanning sonar
150m fibre optic/ surface power tether with fiber underwater connector | Built in power supply & control for UW wire brush tool | Surface power unit with 2 x 750W subsea power modules
Required hardware
HDPE frame with stainless steel hardware.
Machined buoyancy blocks | Safety isolated input power | Circuit breaker | Line insulation monitor | Leak detector
Max operating current 4 knots.
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The Technology Readiness Level (TRL) indicates the maturity level of novel technologies. Learn more about the TRL scale used by us.
Relative Business Impact
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