Ultrasonic Camera for Gas Leak Detection

2 Reviews
Deployed by 7 companies

Pinpoint leaks of any gas up to 50m away

Page last modified
April 11 2024

Ultra Pro is a hand-held ultrasonic camera that literally sees gas leaks from the specific sound they emit. Ultra Pro pinpoints and quantifies leaks in a fast, safe and reliable manner. Using its 124 integrated microphones, Ultra Pro pinpoints leaks of all gases (including methane, air, hydrogen) and steam or even vacuum.

The acoustic image is overlaid in real-time on an optical image, allowing the operator to “visualize” the leak. Moreover, Ultra Pro displays the estimated leak rate (in L/h) so the user can prioritize the maintenance and repair of leaks.

Pictures and videos of detected leaks and inspection voice notes can be recorded and integrated into digital reports with Distran Audalytics (built-in reporting system).


Handling - Leak rate -  Floor grating - Vacuum - Noise

Pros & Limitations
Faster: inspections are up to 10x faster than classical gas detection methods
Safer: reduces exposure time to gas and finds leaks up to 50 meters
Reliable: finds more leaks and reduces variability between operators
Efficient: works even in windy or very noisy environment, from -10°C to +50°C
Versatile: detects all types of compressed gases, steam, vacuum and partial discharges
User Friendly: easy to deploy and use
Cost-efficient device
Helps in predictive machinery maintenance
Fast and lean reporting
Solution not suitable for underground pipe leak detection
Specification Title Specification Description
Areas of Application
Oil & Gas | Power Generation | Chemicals | Specialty Gases | Manufacturing
Leak detection of any gas type, including compressed air, steam, hydrogen, hydrocarbon, vacuum, etc.
Certifications / licences
Min 30cm. Max: 50m. Typical: 1-15m
Hand-held device with a 5.5" touchscreen; 1.4kg
JPEG/AVI media export with SD-card or wireless through Distran Audalytics digital reporting tool.
2L/h at 2m
Implementation time
Deployment in-seconds, real time results (leak location and gas leak rate), built-in reporting system.
e-Learning and on-site training offered by Distran.
Pinpoints partial discharges (HV and LV).

Reviews (2)

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Technology Readiness Level

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Development Technology demonstration Mature / Proven
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Distran develops and sells the world first ultrasonic cameras able to pinpoint leaks of any gas, air and vacuum. Leaks can be spotted from a safe distance, up to 50m away. Used in more than 18 countries, Ultra Pro camera is particularly suited for maintenance of industrial plants (e.g power plants, refineries, air separation, semi-conductor industry) or for improving energy efficiency (compressed air, atmospheric gases). Headquartered in Zurich, Switzerland, the company employs 18 people, incl. PhD, engineers and senior field experts.


Distran AG is the winner of the VBSF Safety award 2020 thanks to their innovative technology for detecting gas leaks. Distran company in Zurich received the Safety Prize 2020 from the Swiss Association of Fire Protection and Security Experts (VBSF).

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