External Inspections

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Topside deployed, splash zone and subsea inspection - Crawler tools

Page last modified
April 11 2024

Aisus designed and manufactured Auriga is a remotely controlled ultrasonic wall thickness corrosion mapping tool. Created specifically for external inspection of tubular structures in harsh remote areas. The crawler Auriga is equipped with electromagnets to allow for a strong adhesion allowing for high pressure cleaning on board and a smooth transition from the topside through the splash zone to subsea areas. 

Auriga is adaptable and can carry a bespoke combination of inspection techniques alongside to its superior high pressure cleaning capabilities.

This crawler can be deployed on: Caissons, Risers, Conductors, J- tubes, Monopiles, Jetty Piles, Pipelines and Jacket structures from 8" upwards. Smaller sizes are also available on request.

Pros & Limitations
External capabilities in the Splash zone where ROVs struggle.
Designed in- house and customisable
Reduced personnel on board
Increased levels of data
Cost savings
Reduced risks
Specification Title Specification Description
Suitable for internal or external deployment
Not limited for external use but also inline crawlers used for internal inspections for pipes 6" upwards.
Subsea range
Subsea rated with range of 1000 metres
Inspection capabilities with electro-magnet or earth magnet solutions, customisable for:
HD Cameras, Pulsed Eddy Current (PEC), Ultrasonic Testing (UT), Alternative Current (AC) Field Measurement, Laser Scanning, Cutting/Gauging Tools and High Pressure Cleaning
Deployment Methods
Scanning through the splash zone with a rope access team (from installation) / Diver or ROV deployed (subsea)
Component size
Diameter 10" - Flat (smaller sizes available on request) - Wall thickness 5-35mm


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Development Technology demonstration Mature / Proven
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AISUS offer a suite of remote inspection solutions which have been designed to solve key industry challenges. Innovation is at our core. We are driven by a commitment to provide the best inspection solution for often challenging operational environments. Our vast industry experience, combined with our innovative technologies is what sets us apart and provides our clients with the best results. We have secured a strong reputation for operational excellence and a track record for safe, high-quality, successful delivery.

Our open and transparent approach allows us to communicate directly with our customers which in turn ensures efficiencies in project delivery and promotes strong working relationships. We like to ask questions to get the best understanding of the situation. This allows us to design and package services that will address challenges quickly and cost-effectively, without ever compromising on safety. And because we’re a highly experienced team, based in one central location, we can deliver a streamlined service and work at a pace at every stage of the project process, which is key due to the nature of the industry and its challenging requirements.

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