Mechanical Connector

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Deployed by 4 companies

Repair, tie-in or capping of pipework

Page last modified
April 11 2024

STATS Type Approved mechanical pipe connectors provide a cold-work solution, removing the associated risks of welding. Quick and efficient to install, this permanent solution significantly reduces maintenance duration and provides a cost-effective solution for piping repair, tie-in or capping of pipework.

Quick and easy to install with only basic pipework preparation, STATS mechanical connectors follow a simple standard bolted installation with no specialist tools required. This results in timely completion of maintenance activities and avoids the costly hire of specialist installation or activation equipment.

Once installed the integrity of the Connector can be verified with a simple pressure test. An integrated seal verification port provides access to the annulus void between the seals allowing a leak-test to be carried out.

A double block and bleed valve can be fitted to the seal verification port to provide a means of periodically monitoring the integrity of the connection, as part of a routine maintenance or inspection programme. Mechanical connectors have been fitted to a variety of piping systems with a 100% leak-free service history.

Connectors are suitable for topside, terminal, FPSO or subsea installation and compatible with processed water, air systems and hydrocarbon applications. Available to suit a wide range of pipe materials including carbon steel, stainless steel, duplex and super duplex.

  • Flanged outlet for connecting plain-end pipe to a pre-flanged termination
  • Coupling for connecting plain-end pipe to plain-end pipe
  • End Cap for capping plain-end redundant pipe work
Pros & Limitations
No hot-work required, significantly reducing associated risk and costs
Easily installed and commissioned with only basic pipework preparation - no specialist tools required
Significantly reduces maintenance costs and duration by eliminating the need for welding, associated equipment and personnel
External grip assembly applies even linear and circumferential load around the host pipe, eliminating localised material deformity and localised stress fractures
Standard design limited to 50 bar / 725 psi
Specification Title Specification Description
Size Range
1" - 36"
Pressure Range
50 bar / 725 psi
-40°C to 300°C
DNV Type Approval


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STATS Group are market leaders in the supply of pressurised pipeline isolation, hot tapping and plugging services to the global energy industry. DNV type approved isolation tools provide leak-tight double block and bleed isolation that enables safe and efficient maintenance and repair of onshore, topsides and subsea pipeline infrastructure.

Process Plant Solutions offer hot-work barriers and localised hydrostatic weld test tools to verifying the integrity of welds or fittings, reducing system downtime, minimising environmental impact and increasing worksite safety. Mechanical repair clamps and pipe connectors replace the need for welding, significantly reducing expenditure and associated risks with hot-work providing the tie-in, repair or end-capping of pipelines.

STATS has gained an excellent reputation for providing a responsive, client-centred approach combined with expertise and innovative products which:

  • Drive higher levels of safety in the industry  
  • Enhance environmental performance by reducing flaring and venting activities
  • Improve asset performance while reducing system or plant downtime
  • Support the industry transition to a low carbon future

Project management and engineering services are provided to support client needs including turnaround scopes, feasibility studies and contingency planning. In-house expertise extends over the entire lifecycle of hydrocarbon assets from construction, maintenance, asset life extension, through to decommissioning and on to hydrogen transportation, carbon capture and storage.

STATS provide high quality, fit-for-purpose solutions to ensure that the pipework and pipeline infrastructure of its clients meet the technical, safety and environmental standards required.

Headquartered in Aberdeen, Scotland, STATS Group operate globally through a growing network of operational bases, including Canada, USA, Qatar, the UAE, Oman, Saudi Arabia, Malaysia and Australia.  

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