Tecno Plug® Inline Isolation

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Deployed by 6 companies

Non-Intrusive Pipeline Isolation Tool

Page last modified
April 11 2024

Process piping and pipeline isolation is a key requirement for safe and efficient maintenance, modification and repair of oil, gas and petrochemical facilities. Pipeline isolation plugs enable safe modification of pressurised pipelines and in some cases while production is maintained.

Double block and bleed / monitor pipeline isolation tools can be utilised pre and post-shutdown to limit downtime and reduce work scope duration. Pipeline isolation plugs provide a cost-effective solution while maintaining high levels of safety during maintenance activities. 

Temporary pipeline isolation tools can significantly reduce venting and flaring activities by limiting the isolation area and preventing entire pipeline from being depressurised, avoiding the discharge of significant quantities of CO2 into the atmosphere.

STATS Type Approved Tecno Plugs® provide double block and bleed / monitor isolation plugs that are pigged or pushed to the isolation location. The Tethered Tecno Plug range is a double block and bleed isolation tool that can be pigged with an umbilical or pushed to location on wheeled stem bars. The single module isolation plug provides a compact and robust design that enables the Tecno Plug to be set in space restricted locations, ideally suited for launcher / receiver maintenance or valve changeouts without shutting down production.

The Remote Tecno Plug provides double block and monitor isolation and is pigged through the pipeline to the required isolation location from a pig launcher or receiver. Pipeline isolation plugs require no welding or cutting into live lines, leaving no residual fittings or hardware on the pipeline. Once at the desired location the Tecno Plug is controlled remotely using an extremely low frequency (ELF) inductive system for reliable tracking and accurate positioning of the plug.

The Tecno Plug is hydraulically activated engaging taper locks which grip the pipe wall and radially expand dual elastomer leak-tight seals. The dual seal design provides a zero-energy zone to enable breaking of containment activities to be conducted safely and efficiently.

STATS’ inline isolation tool the Tecno Plug® is fully certified by DNV. This verifies that the design criteria satisfy the requirements for Pipeline Isolation Plugs to provide dual seal and isolation in accordance with; DNV-OS-F101 (Submarine Pipeline Systems) and recommended Practices; DNV-RP-F113 (Subsea Pipeline Repair) and in compliance with code ASME BPVC Section VIII, Division 2.

Pros & Limitations
Safe breaking of containment on pressurised pipelines, providing a fully proved double block pipeline isolation, with a zero-energy zone maintained between the two barrier seals – in accordance with topside and subsea isolation guidelines
Piggable isolation tools require no welding or cutting into live lines, leaving no residual fittings or hardware on the pipeline
De-commissioning (bleeding down) and re-commissioning (refilling and re-pressurising) of pipelines minimised or eliminated, saving time and reducing costs
Fail-safe design feature; taper lock grips and seals energised by differential pressure; referred to as self-energisation
Robust, compact design enables Tecno Plug to be set in short sections of pipeline. In many instances production can be continued during pipeline maintenance or modifications activities
Full bore access required to launch and recover the Tecno Plug
Pipeline requires to be piggable
Specification Title Specification Description
Size Range
3" - 56"
Pressure Range
230 bar / 3336 psi
DNV Type Approval


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STATS Group are market leaders in the supply of pressurised pipeline isolation, hot tapping and plugging services to the global energy industry. DNV type approved isolation tools provide leak-tight double block and bleed isolation that enables safe and efficient maintenance and repair of onshore, topsides and subsea pipeline infrastructure.

Process Plant Solutions offer hot-work barriers and localised hydrostatic weld test tools to verifying the integrity of welds or fittings, reducing system downtime, minimising environmental impact and increasing worksite safety. Mechanical repair clamps and pipe connectors replace the need for welding, significantly reducing expenditure and associated risks with hot-work providing the tie-in, repair or end-capping of pipelines.

STATS has gained an excellent reputation for providing a responsive, client-centred approach combined with expertise and innovative products which:

  • Drive higher levels of safety in the industry  
  • Enhance environmental performance by reducing flaring and venting activities
  • Improve asset performance while reducing system or plant downtime
  • Support the industry transition to a low carbon future

Project management and engineering services are provided to support client needs including turnaround scopes, feasibility studies and contingency planning. In-house expertise extends over the entire lifecycle of hydrocarbon assets from construction, maintenance, asset life extension, through to decommissioning and on to hydrogen transportation, carbon capture and storage.

STATS provide high quality, fit-for-purpose solutions to ensure that the pipework and pipeline infrastructure of its clients meet the technical, safety and environmental standards required.

Headquartered in Aberdeen, Scotland, STATS Group operate globally through a growing network of operational bases, including Canada, USA, Qatar, the UAE, Oman, Saudi Arabia, Malaysia and Australia.  

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